Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Past Two Month (part 2)

Cross Country and why I am not running any more

I started running two weeks before school started, that was two month ago. I started really fast and the practice was very hard. In other words, I pushed myself too hard. On the second Monday my knee started hurting during the warm up. My coach sent me to the trainer, who is kind of a nurse and a physical therapist. She told me that my IT-band (back side of the knee is very tide) and she showed me some exercises.
After a few days without running it got better and I started running again. I even ran a great race.

But afterwards it got worse again. It was going up and down for six week, while I was still going to practice to work out and strech and to the races to cheer, and then I decided to go to a doctor because even Ibuprofen didn`t help any more. The doctor told me exactly the same as the trainer, so my only option now, is to wait.
I am not on the team any more, because I will not be able to run until the season ends:(


(Junior States of America)

JSA is basically a debating club. We meet every other week to debate.
At the first two meetings we had thought talks. That means that we had different topics and everybody could tell his opinion, like in a normal discussion.
Last time we had an actual debate on: "Be it resolved that companies can use their own political agendas?"
At first the main Pro speaker spoke. He had 6 minutes to introduce his opinion and to
When he finished his speech everybody could ask him questions. Then the main Con speaker, which was me awesome host sister, spoke for six minutes, including questions. Afterwards two pro and two con speaker each had three minutes to point their arguments out. We didn`t have time any more, but normally the two main speaker have each five minutes for a conclusion of the debate.

At the moment I just enjoy listening and try to follow and understand the debate, because the topics are political and about current events, so it is difficult for me to activly participate. But I have to start soon to be able to go to Madison and to D.C. for the competitions.

We are responsible for everything that`s going on: we have a president, a vize-president, a moderator, a Democratic and a Republican chair and a couple of other positions.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Past Two Month (part 1)

Finally, a found a little bit of time to tell you how I am spending my time.

First Day of School

School started on September 3rd and with the school everything else, including homework, started, too.
I don`t know, how I survived the first day of school without getting lost, but I made it.
We went early to school, so I could put my books in my locker. Then we went to the football field for the assembly. The principal talked to us, but nobody really listened, because everybody was excited to meet each other after three month of summer break. Only the freshman were quiet on their very first day of high school.
Afterwards the classes started. I was so nervous in my first class, I only had to introduce myself, but I didn`t know anybody, so I was kind of afraid.
The whole day was kind of boring, because we did the same things in each class: intoducing ourselves and listening to the teachers syllabus (rules and requirements).
At lunch I was sitting with Anna, her friends and the other exchange students. I was very happy to have them, otherwise I don`t know what I would have done.
I was really tired after school, but I had practice, and after practice I was even more tired. I had to do a little bit of homework. When I went to bed I fell asleep immdiately.

School Experiences

School here is very different.
First of all it is not only school. Some teams practice before school. The classes start at 7.30 and after school most of the teams practice. After practice there are meetings for the clubs.
The second thing, I would like to write about is the classes and the teachers. The classes are 40 minutes long, but they still seem longer than in Germany.
When you enter the class room the teacher usually asks you: "How are you?" And the teachers often talk about their private life and even show us pictures of their families, sometimes. They are really friendly and it is normal to be "friends" with a teacher. Besides that, all the teachers want you to get good grades. You can ask them for help and meet them before and after school or during their free hours and they will sit down with you and explain to you everything you didn`t understand.
I appreciate that; usually I go to some of the teachers two or three times a week to ask for help or for more time for assignments.
Every teacher has his or her own class room, so the students have to move after each period, but you always know where you can find them.
It is true that they have a lot of multiple choice here, but we have tests and quizzes every day. Sometimes I have four or five tests or quizzes a day.
The way of teaching is different, too. We work much more on the computer. The teachers have their own websites, where you can find everything you did in class, homework assignments, work shiets, ppts,.., that`s very helpful. I feel like the classes are better organized here, because the teachers only teach two or three classes, so they teach exactly the same a couple times a day, but they don`t seem bored.


To go to  the bathroom during class is an adventure: You have to sign out and write the time down, when you leave. And you have to grab the pass (usually some sort of a unnecessary thing with the name of the teacher. When you come back, you have to sign back in and write the time down again.

After School

After school I usually went to Cross Country practice, it was two hours every day (until 5pm), but since I am injured and I will not be able to run this season any more, I don`t have to go to practice.
So now I have a little bit more time. For homework. I am spending more than three hours on homework every day; I am never done before 9pm.
Every other week I have JSA (Junior States of America). It is basically debating, but I will tell you more about it later.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Labor Day

Hi guys,

I know, Labor Day is already a month ago, but I hope that you forgive me.

On Monday September 2nd, the last day befor school started, Anna and I went to Mayfair. Mayfair is the biggest Mall in this area and it is awesome.

So we came into this huge building and it was overwhelming, you don`t know where to start. We deciced to walk a bit around first and to discover a few interesting stores. I really liked the candle store and a store with crazy cosmetics.
Of course, we didn`t miss Hollister, Abercombie & Fitch, forever 21, American Eagle...
I found a few really nice clothes. Clothes are cheaper here and it is so easy to find Jeans (In Germany it always took too long).
For lunch, we ate at a Chinese fast food restaurant and afterwards we went into a candy shop. Most of the candy here is aweful here, but Pop Rocks rock.
Then we spent more than two hours in the book store. Anna couldn`t stop saying: "Look, here is another authentic American book. You have to read it!" She has a whole list for me with American books and movies. I don`t think that I can finish her list in only a year.

It was a great day and one of the highlights.

Foto: Hey, there's a first for everything...first encounter with Pop Rocks? Check.